Food is not the enemy
It’s time to feel free, safe, whole, and loved!
Imagine being able to do what you really want (and eat what you really want) while feeling safe, good enough, happy, and confident.
Have you ever felt that your life has no meaning or that you are not good enough, pretty enough, or smart enough?
Have you ever thought that your only purpose in life was to take care of others?
Are you feeling that there's never any time to enjoy yourself and that your dreams are unreachable?
It's time for a change
There have been moments in my life in which I felt lost and confused. Some life events hit me so hard that I lost confidence in myself. I tried so hard to please others that I forgot about myself, my health and my spirit. I experienced permanent stress, I gained weight, I couldn’t sleep and felt anxiety, depression, and emptiness.
I am a holistic health coach who heals and empowers Latinas who feel stressed, anxious, guilty and discriminated. In my work, I help you develop a better relationship with food, your bodies, and your family. I help you achieve a growth mindset and become aware of toxic beliefs so you can overcome them and experience a happier and healthier world.
Imagine being able to talk to a friend who can help you find the resources you need to feel complete and worth it.
Imagine letting go of all the resentments of the past, fears of the future, and live in the present with joy and meaning.
My passion is to help Latinas feel whole and fulfilled by connecting their emotions and feelings with their bodies. I can help you find easy ways to eat natural, inexpensive, easy-to-prepare-balanced meals, and to have a better relationship with food, your body, and your environment.
As a holistic health coach, I can help you find the root of your worries and illnesses (not just suppress the symptoms).
A headache can be the expression of your body saying “I need water, I need to rest, I feel overwhelmed. ” Being overweight or practicing binge eating is not the problem, it’s a message that your body is sending you until you become aware of what you’re really hungry for.
As a holistic health coach I can help you explore your nutrition needs; understand that nourishing is much more than the ingestion, digestion, and excretion of nutrients to generate energy.
It is an act of love, of self-help that involves our belief systems and cultures.
Nourishing involves the interaction among your physical body, the energy that flows through it, your mind, your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, your spirit, and your level of consciousness.
What nourishes us the most is not found in the kitchen.
Look at you as a whole, as far back in time as when you were in your mother’s womb, to the present
Help you find the resources you need
Motivate you asking key questions
Help you find the root of the problem
Help you discover your strengths
Assist you to increase your level of awareness
Help you change your mindset
Help you brainstorm possibilities and define your priorities
Assist you with planning positive actions
Help you create new supports, new environments, and healthier actions
Tell you what to do
Prescribe medications or supplements
Give you another diet to follow
You are in charge of your health. You are responsible for your healing process. You will always take the lead because nobody knows YOU better than yourself.
I can help you by accompanying you on your journey.
However, the change will always be at your own pace, and as deep and permanent as you wish.
Doctora Laura
People call me DOCTORA LAURA but I am not a medical doctor, I am an anthropologist. I started my career in Mexico City, lived for long periods of time in many rural communities of Mexico, and finished it in the United States, obtaining a doctoral degree in Cultural Anthropology at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
For more than 30 years I have been studying and writing about the networks international migrants have created and maintained in California, Texas, and Pennsylvania, specifically, I have focused on the role women play in all those networks.
I became bilingual at a very young age. I thought that being able to speak, read and write in English would be enough to survive in the United States, but it was not easy. I suffered the cultural shock we all experience when we immerse ourselves in other customs, when some people make you feel that you do not belong, and also because we all miss our food, our family and our ways of doing things.
Even though I was kindly “adopted” by some of my best friends and their families, I never stopped feeling like an outsider, an immigrant, a person who lives in two worlds at the same time but who is not considered enough American, and who is no longer enough Mexican because, among other things, we speak Spanglish or as Pochas.
I'm glad you're here!
DOCTORA LAURA is a certified Holistic Health Coach who helps, heals and empowers Latinas who need to feel loved, motivated and good enough. She is the only bilingual and bicultural holistic health coach that offers Latinas a trusted guide who provides health education, but moreover, walks the walk with you on your self-healing journey.
She decided to study nutrition, positive psychology and other health fields to be able to help women who trust her with their concerns and dreams. She became a Certified Mind, Body, and Eating Coach by the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, and more recently, the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy certified her as a Functional Medicine Health Coach.
Before becoming a health coach Doctora Laura dedicated more than 30 years to conduct research and teaching Anthropology in different universities and research centers in Mexico, California, Texas, and Pennsylvania.
When she is not working as advisor or volunteer in local community organizations, or helping seniors stay in their homes living as independent as possible, she is traveling with her husband attending professional conferences in different cities in the United States, Mexico, Europe, Canada, and Asia.
Other fun facts...
I love to be in
contact with nature.
I love to meditate, to practice Feldenkreis, Qigong, and Yoga.
I love to prepare food, especially what I grow in my garden, and share it with family and friends.
I love to help and listen to the elderly. Caregiving for seniors is one of my passions.
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55 min